The best beef, lamb and pork from Lanarkshire.
126 years in the business, MacDuff is a straightforward concern – it supplies top-notch beef, lamb and pork sourced from quality assured farms, to some of the best butchers, chefs and caterers across the UK and abroad.
Now let's travel back in time to the beginning of MacDuff. Come the Victorian era, the Duffs were fleshers (or butchers) in Blairgowrie. Before then was the ‘mists of time’ and open to speculation and fancy.
What we do know.
What we do know is that in 1890 the young Peter Duff started buying cattle at the Chicago Auction Market and shipping them back live to Glasgow. This was in the days before refrigeration. In Britain at that time the only meat available during the winter months was salted. So Peter Duff brought fresh beef to the booming city of tea and tobacco barons, adding some cheer to winter diets. Records tell that he crossed the Atlantic seventeen times in one year. He was certainly dedicated. Like a drover, he even travelled alongside his beasts to make sure they were properly looked after.
And now…
Peter continued to trade cattle at his meat stance in the Glasgow Market on Duke Street until 1935. His son Laurie then took over at the helm, trading in Duke Street in the aptly named Scotch Corner. Laurie led the company through the hard years of rationing and throughout his tenure he tirelessly visited the cattle markets across Scotland to supply the local Glasgow market. In the days before supermarkets there were dozens and dozens of butchers’ shops in Glasgow – one a street almost – and there was no question that everyone ‘ate local’. “Those old butchers’ shops are fast food outlets now” - Rory Duff, third generation.