To try a St Brides bird, visit Lanarkshire’s farmers’ markets (see their website or Facebook page for up-to-date schedules), or order one from the farm.
There is also some free-range pork available from the farm. The pork is totally free range, the breed is Mangalista/Lopp cross, the former known for its exceptional flavour and fattiness. St Brides have cross bred the two breeds to produce a very tasty, succulent pork with less fat coverage.
Lovely local lamb is also on offer from their neighbour in Sandford. The lamb has been dry hung for 2 weeks before it is butchered, and blast frozen at the butchers in the Clyde Valley.
Local home deliveries are available. Check the St Brides Poultry website (link above) to see dates and locations for deliveries within Lanarkshire and Glasgow area.